Monday, December 27, 2010

A Book on Postive Deviance

College Group Outline

College Discipleship:

1. Who is Jesus?

* What is the Gospel? (Both Personal and Outward)
* What is the Bible? (As the Story of God, Genesis-Revelation)
* What is the Kingdom of God? (The Rule of God Now and Forever)

2. Who am I? (Identity)

* The Image of God (Genesis 1)
* In Christ (Ephesians 1)
* The Body of Christ (The Church)
* What are God's Promises to His people?

3. What is my calling? (Discovery through Service)

* What are my gifts?
* What are my passions?
* How do I use them with the church?
* How do I use them in the city?

4. How do we equip the next students? (Passing the Torch)

* Teaching and Baptizing
* Community (Church)
* Networking (City)
* Serving (School/City)
* Resources (Books/Articles/Relationships etc.)